Pubg mobile game / new snow map vikendi gameplay! channu bro loading unsubscribe from channu bro? pubg mobile - duration: 22:18 tacaz recommended for you 22:18. Pubg new map vikendi for mobile. Livik map is the first-ever pubg mobile only map this is the smallest map in the game and only 50 players play in each match and every match lasts for 15 minutes livik is set in a nordic village-like environment the best loadout for this map is the mk12 rifle and p90 smg both of them are livik map exclusive.
pubg new map vikendi for mobile
Drop in and stay alive at vikendi! complete daily missions to get treasure vouchers, or spend uc to play lucky treasure for a chance to get firearm finish upgrade materials or the upgradable glacier - m416 finish itself, or even holiday outfits!. Vikendi. the snow-covered fields of vikendi bring a unique new feel to pubg in this 6x6 map. with frozen bodies of water, special vehicles to traverse the snowy landscapes, and footprints to track your enemies, vikendi is an entirely different way to experience thrilling pubg gameplay.. The pubg vikendi map is also rolling out on pc and xbox. for pc users, the update can be downloaded inside the steam app for windows. the xbox users will head to the app store and download the update..